Herb Medicine Garden
About it:
Medicinal garden in our college was well established in the year 2015. In medicinal garden the plants were grown for medical purposes i.e, the plant parts like roots, stem, leaves, flowers and fruits were used for medical treatment. Medicinal plants are considered as a rich recourses of ingredients which can be used in pharmaceutical industry. Medicinal garden reduce stress and promote a sense of wellbeing. This leads to measurable sychological, physiological and behavioral benefits. Such as reduced anxiety, sadness, lower blood pressure and other negative modes and improved immune functioning. Some of the plants present in medicinal garden are:
- Occimum sanctum- Used to cure Cold, Cough, Fever and heart disease
- Asparagus racemosus- It is the good source of folic acid, Vit- C, E etcTinospora cardifolia- Used to cure Diabetes
- Adathoda vasica- Used to cure Cough, Cold and Asthasma
- Rowulfia serpentine- Used to cure Hypertension
- Like these there are totally 60 medicinal plants are available in medicinal plants which includes Panchavati vana. It plays an important role in releasing more oxygen.
- Medicinal garden includes a pond containing
- hydrophytic plants thus it has richest biodiversity.